What To Do When Encountering A Gas Leak

070 What To Do When Encountering A Gas Leak

Some do and don’ts when you suspect a gas leak at your home.

Simplified Chinese







Traditional Chinese








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English Translation

The recent gas explosion in Anyang caused two deaths and one injury.

A married couple came home in the evening and smelled gas as soon as they entered the house. The husband immediately rushed to the kitchen where he found the smell to be stronger. Subconsciously, he turned on the lights, and the kitchen immediately exploded.

The husband died on the spot and his wife was sent to the ICU, with 90% of the body burned. Their furniture flew 200 meters from the kitchen. This means that a gas pipe explosion is even stronger than a bomb.

You really need to be very careful when encountering a gas leak. When you smell the gas (light rotten eggs smell), DO NOT turn on the lights. Immediately open all the doors and windows softly.  If you do it like this, sparks will not be produced. Then, close the gas pipe switch. Remember not to turn on the lights. Wait until the gas smell has completely disappeared before you turn on the light.

If you smell a gas odor, don’t open the refrigerator, because this can also cause an explosion. Kitchen exhaust hood and hair dryers should also not be turned on because they carry electricity. Just open the window and that will suffice.

Firefighters have appealed, that we must increase our awareness to fire prevention and control, and use gas equipment correctly.

Indonesia Translation

Ledakan tabung gas baru-baru ini di Anyang menyebabkan dua kematian dan satu cedera.

Sepasang suami istri pulang ke rumah di sore hari dan mencium bau gas begitu mereka memasuki rumah. Suaminya segera bergegas ke dapur dan dia menemukan bau tersebut menjadi lebih kuat. Tanpa sadar dia menyalakan lampu, dan dapur pun meledak seketika.

Sang suami meninggal di tempat dan istrinya dikirim ke ICU, dengan 90% tubuhnya dibakar. Mebel mereka terbang 200 meter dari dapur. Ini berarti bahwa ledakan pipa gas bahkan lebih kuat daripada bom.

Anda benar-benar harus sangat berhati-hati ketika menemukan kebocoran gas. Saat Anda mencium bau gas (telur busuk berbau), JANGAN nyalakan lampu. Segera buka semua pintu dan jendela dengan lembut. Jika Anda melakukannya seperti ini, bunga api tidak akan dihasilkan. Kemudian, tutup sakelar pipa gas. Ingatlah untuk tidak menyalakan lampu. Tunggu sampai bau gas benar-benar hilang sebelum Anda menyalakan lampu.

Jika Anda mencium bau gas, jangan membuka kulkas, karena ini juga dapat menyebabkan ledakan. Kap knalpot dapur dan pengering rambut juga tidak boleh dihidupkan karena membawa listrik. Cukup buka jendela dan itu sudah cukup.

Pemadam kebakaran telah mengajukan banding, bahwa kita harus meningkatkan kesadaran kita untuk pencegahan dan pengendalian kebakaran, dan menggunakan peralatan gas dengan benar.

Photo source here.

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