The Fire Victims Who Cannot Flee: Australian Koalas

The Fire Victims Who Cannot Flee: Australian Koalas

More than three hundred of koalas are estimated to have been killed by bushfires in Australia

Simplified Chinese






Traditional Chinese







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English Translation

Koala is Australia’s unique “national treasure”. They eat the leaves of eucalyptus. Recently, several wild koala habitats have been in danger as wildfires continue to wreak havoc in New South Wales and Queensland.

The fire is the “killer of animal and plant”, and about 350 koalas were killed. People deeply regret that such cute koalas were burned to death. Even more distressing is that the number of dead koalas is expected to increase.

In Australia’s hot, dry and windy climate, fires are difficult to extinguish. The wildfire has burned for more than half a month, which will cause major damage to this Australia land.

In fact, frequent forest fires are linked to global warming. As a result of global warming and rising temperatures, forest areas have become drier. As the dry (condition) time continues to increase, the possibility of fire is also greatly increased.

In the Amazon fire in August this year, the earth has already warned humans. The Australian fire has once again sounded an alarm for human beings!

Indonesia Translation

Koala adalah “harta nasional” Australia yang unik. Mereka memakan daun eukaliptus. Baru-baru ini, beberapa habitat koala liar berada dalam bahaya karena kebakaran hutan terus menimbulkan kekacauan di New South Wales dan Queensland.

Api adalah “pembunuh hewan dan tumbuhan”, sekitar 350 koala terbunuh. Orang-orang sangat menyesali koala-koala imut seperti itu terbakar hingga mati. Yang lebih menyedihkan adalah jumlah koala yang mati diperkirakan akan meningkat.

Di iklim Australia yang panas, kering, dan berangin, kebakaran sulit dipadamkan. Kebakaran hutan telah berlangsung lebih dari setengah bulan, yang akan menyebabkan kerusakan besar pada tanah Australia ini.

Faktanya, seringnya kebakaran hutan ini berhubungan dengan pemanasan global. Akibat dari pemanasan global dan kenaikan suhu, area hutan menjadi lebih kering. Ketika kondisi kering ini menjadi lebih lama, kemungkinan kebakaran juga sangat meningkat.

Dalam kebakaran Amazon pada bulan Agustus tahun ini, bumi telah memperingatkan manusia. Api Australia sekali lagi membunyikan alarm bagi manusia!

Photo source here.

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