Traffic around the Costco Shanghai store was brought to a near-standstill as lines of people formed outside.
[otw_shortcode_tabslayout tabs=”2″ tab_1_title=”Simplified Chinese” tab_1_content=”2019年8月27日,美国最大的连锁会员制仓储量贩店Costco(开市客) 在中国上海开业了。但是,超市在运营的第一天就被迫关闭因为顾客太多及交通阻塞。
消费者拥挤在Costco门店内外,争夺打折产品。保安在商场附近提醒顾客“停车场已满,等待需要3小时” 。一些客户花了两小时在店内排队付款。人数已经明显超过商场的承受能。Costco只能让顾客按人数进入。
到下午,Costco被迫暂停营业因被人群堵塞。其他被堵在路上的或那些还没进入商店因商店关门的人,就只能在网上看这次 “疯狂的消费” 了。
” tab_2_title=”Traditional Chinese” tab_2_content=”
2019年8月27日,美國最大的連鎖會員制倉儲量販店Costco(開市客) 在中國上海開業了。但是,超市在運營的第一天就被迫關閉因為顧客太多及交通阻塞。
消費者擁擠在Costco門店內外,爭奪打折產品。保安在商場附近提醒顧客“停車場已滿,等待需要3小時” 。一些客戶花了兩小時在店內排隊付款。人數已經明顯超過商場的承受能。 Costco只能讓顧客按人數進入。
到下午,Costco被迫暫停營業因被人群堵塞。其他被堵在路上的或那些還沒進入商店因商店關門的人,就只能在網上看這次 “瘋狂的消費” 了。
[otw_shortcode_tabslayout tabs=”2″ tab_1_title=”English translation” tab_1_content=”This article is presented to you by Superexcellence Chinese Education, a Chinese Language Center located in Harbin, China. You can study Chinese with the native teachers in the native environment here, all for your rapid improvement in Chinese! Click here for more information (tell them that you are from CRG, to get 10% discount)
On August 27, 2019, USA’s largest membership-only retail chain store Costco had opened its new store in Shanghai, China. However, the supermarket was forced to close early on its first day of operations due to overcrowding and traffic jams.
Consumers were crowded inside and outside of the Costco, fighting over discounted product. The security reminded the customers near the mall that “the parking lot is full and you need to wait 3 hours”. Some customers spent two hours queuing in the store to pay. The number of people has obviously exceeded the capacity of the mall. Costco only allows customers to enter in by number order.
In the afternoon, Costco’s store was forced to suspend business because it has been clogged up with crowds. Those who were being held up in traffic or those who had not entered the store because the store is closed could only watch this “crazy consumption” online.
” tab_2_title=”Indonesian translation” tab_2_content=”
Pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2019, toko ritel khusus keanggotaan terbesar di AS, Costco, telah membuka toko barunya di Shanghai, Cina. Namun, supermarket terpaksa tutup lebih awal pada hari pertama operasinya karena kepadatan dan kemacetan lalu lintas.
Konsumen berkerumun di dalam dan di luar Costco, berebut produk diskon. Pihak keamanan mengingatkan pelanggan di dekat mal bahwa “tempat parkir penuh dan Anda harus menunggu 3 jam”. Beberapa pelanggan menghabiskan dua jam mengantri di toko untuk membayar. Jumlah orang jelas telah melebihi kapasitas mal. Costco hanya memungkinkan pelanggan untuk masuk dengan urutan nomor.
Pada sore hari, toko Costco terpaksa menutup toko karena telah “tersumbat” oleh orang banyak. Mereka yang terjebak dalam kemacetan atau yang belum dapat memasuki toko karena toko tutup, hanya dapat menonton “konsumsi gila-gilaan” ini secara online.
Photo source here.