Chinese Idiom Story – Ba Miao Zhu Zhang

Chinese Idiom Story Ba Miao Zhu Zhang

Once there was a farmer, in the spring he grew a lot of seedlings in the field, hoping that he could harvest them in the autumn.

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Once there was a farmer, in the spring he grew a lot of seedlings in the field, hoping that he could harvest them in the autumn.

A few days passed, but the seedlings were still so short. He was really worried, he thought to himself: the seedlings are growing so slowly, I need to think of a way to make it grow faster. During this time, he didn’t eat well, didn’t sleep well, until he finally came up with a method. So he decided to give it a try.

As soon as the day broke, he went out on the field and pulled up the seedlings a bit, one by one, he was busy all day until the sun went down behind the mountains, then he went home, all worn out. As soon as he passed through the door to his house, he told his family in excitement: “Today I am tired, I thought of a way to make the seedling grow quite much higher.”

The son didn’t understand what was going on, he ran into the field, and looked at it and then just stared blankly: the previously green and lively seedlings had all died.

This story tells us that if we violate the proper way of how things should properly develop, we are eager to be successful, but it’s easy to fail. Too much urgency will lead to failure, we need to take things step-by-step to be able to succeed.

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Di zaman dahulu kala ada seorang petani, di musim semi dia menanam banyak bibit di ladang, dan dia berharap dapat memanennya di musim gugur.

Beberapa hari berlalu, akan tetapi bibit-bibit tersebut masih saja pendek. Dia sangat khawatir, dan berpikir: bibit-bibit ini tumbuh terlalu lambat, saya perlu memikirkan cara untuk membuatnya tumbuh lebih cepat. Selama waktu ini, dia tidak dapat makan dengan baik, tidak bisa tidur nyenyak, sampai akhirnya dia menemukan sebuah ide. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk mencobanya.

Begitu hari mulai pagi, dia keluar dari ladang dan menarik bibit sedikit, satu demi satu, dia sibuk sepanjang hari sampai matahari terbenam di balik gunung, lalu dia pulang dengan lelahnya. Ketika dia memasuki rumahnya, dia memberi tahu keluarganya dengan gembira: “Hari ini saya capek sekali, saya mendapatkan sebuah ide yang baik yang dapat membuat bibit tumbuh cukup tinggi.”

Putranya tidak mengerti apa yang sedang terjadi, dia berlari ke ladang, dan melihatnya, lalu menatap dengan tatapan kosong: bibit-bibit yang semula berwarna hijau cerah semuanya mati.

Kisah ini memberi tahu kita bahwa jika kita memaksakan kehendak kita untuk menumbuhkan sesuatu di luar batas normal, terburu-buru ingin mencapai kesuksesan, maka akan mudah untuk gagal. Terlalu banyak terburu-buru akan mengarah pada kegagalan, kita perlu melakukan sesuatu langkah-per-langkah agar dapat berhasil.


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