Bucephalus: The Horse That Conquered the World

Bucephalus: The Horse That Conquered the World

A short story about Bucephalus, the black horse that Alexander the Great rode through many battles to create one of the largest empire of the time.


Wife Selling: How the Britons Used to Get Divorced

Suppose you are an 18th century farmer, and your wife and you just cannot get along, what would you do? Divorce her? Or just sell her off?

假设你是一个18世纪的英国农民,你和妻子再也无法相处下去了,你会怎么做?跟她离婚?太贵了。杀了她?不可能。噢,好吧,那把她卖掉吧。欢迎来到奇异的「卖妻」世界! ...

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