Is Diligence Useless? Research: Lazy People Are Smarter and Easier to be Successful

Is Diligence Useless?

Proactive people were considered as a symbol of success. However, now, there is finally an opportunity for lazy people to break through.

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美国健康心理学期刊(Journal of Health Psychology)的调查指出,平均来说,懒得动的人比爱活动的人聪明。具有这种特质的人渴望以有条理及合逻辑的方式看待这个世界,他们通常会追求强烈刺激脑力的活动,例如猜谜游戏或辩论。


调查显示,「高智商」这组受试者不容易感到无聊,导致他们更少动,然后投入更多时间思考。 「活动力高」这组的实验参与者若一直坐着不动,或要求他们思考抽象事物,他们很容易就感到无聊,但偏好透过需要消耗体力的活动来刺激大脑,例如运动或其他体力活动。



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美國健康心理學期刊(Journal of Health Psychology)的調查指出,平均來說,懶得動的人比愛活動的人聰明。具有這種特質的人渴望以有條理及合邏輯的方式看待這個世界,他們通常會追求強烈刺激腦力的活動,例如猜謎遊戲或辯論。






English translation:

Proactive people were considered as a symbol of success. However, now, there is finally an opportunity for lazy people to break through. A scientific survey pointed out that laziness may be the symbol of intelligence and lazy people can even be good employees in companies.

According to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, on average, people who are physically less active tend to be smarter than physically active people. People who have this trait crave structured and logic ways of looking at the world, and they often pursue activities that strongly stimulate their brains, such as riddle games or debates.

In the study, researchers assessed the level of “need for cognition” from 60 subjects by using a questionnaire. They separated the subjects into two groups (“thinkers” and “non-thinkers”) based on their survey responses. All participants wore activity trackers for seven days for the deep insight into their habits.

The data showed that those with a high IQ got bored less easily, leading them to be less active and spend more time in thinking. The “highly active” group easily got bored when they were asked to sit still and think about abstract things. Instead, they preferred to stimulate their minds with physical tasks, like sports and other physical activities.

Many critical thinkers, or people with a high degree of “need for cognition” are always want to reduce wasteful actions, and choose efficient steps. So is it true that lazy people are smarter and succeed more easily? Not really. It depends on how we define “laziness”. We possibly associate things with laziness. However, those things actually have nothing to do with laziness at all.

So perhaps hiring a lazy person isn’t the worst idea after all. They’re likely to be strategic thinkers who can come up with ways to solve problems or smart shortcuts to save time and contribute new and innovative ideas to companies.

The article is adopted from here, with several revision to suit the level of the reader. Photo is taken from here.  

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