30 Years Way Back Home

A Chinese woman who was abducted as a child has finally found her parents after missing them every day for 30 years.

Simplified Chinese




8个月,还在襁褓之中的年纪,连对妈妈的样子都很模糊。从记事起,胡秀娟就没有任何有关母亲的印象。她在河北的养母去世得早。 从她懂事时,便跟养父相依为命。她虽然不懂 “被拐” 是什么意思,但她非常渴望能够有自己的妈妈。

30年的寻亲路有些漫长,故事有点波折。通过媒体们和志愿者的帮助,她终于回家了。父女俩相拥而泣。 这个场面持续了将近10分钟。 胡秀娟同父异母的弟弟、妹妹也跟他们抱在一起。现场亲朋好友各媒体记者,一起见证了这幸福的时刻。

Traditional Chinese




8個月,還在襁褓之中的年紀,連對媽媽的樣子都很模糊。從記事起,胡秀娟就沒有任何有關母親的印象。她在河北的養母去世得早。從她懂事時,便跟養父相依為命。她雖然不懂 “被拐” 是什麼意思,但她非常渴望能夠有自己的媽媽。


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English Translation

Why do you have to go home and reunite during the Spring Festival? Most people, maybe not able to answer it at the moment.

However, the Chinese’s attachment to the home has been deeply integrated into the blood and become an inescapable belief and obsession.

Thirty years ago, Hu Xiujuan’s mother took her to the market and never returned. She reported to the police that she had searched in Chongqing and Fujian and had no news. She thought that she would never find her daughter again in this life.

(at the age of) 8 months, still in the early stage of development, even the look of his mother is very vague. From her time of memory development (after infancy), Hu Xiujuan already had no impression of her mother. Her adoptive mother in Hebei died early. Since the time she started to understand things, she had lived with her adoptive father. Although she did not understand what it means to be “abducted”, she is very eager to have her own mother.

The 30-year search for a mother is quite a long time, and the story is a bit of twists and turns. With the help of the media and volunteers, she finally went home. She and her father cried together. This scene lasted nearly 10 minutes. Hu Xiujuan’s half-brother and sister are also with them. Friends, relatives, and media reporters at the scene, all witnessed this happy moment together.

Indonesia Translation

Mengapa Anda harus pulang dan berkumpul kembali saat Festival Musim Semi? Kebanyakan orang, mungkin tidak bisa menjawabnya saat ini.

Namun, keterikatan orang Cina terhadap rumah telah sangat terintegrasi ke dalam darah dan menjadi keyakinan dan obsesi yang tak terhindarkan.

Tiga puluh tahun lalu, ibu dari Hu Xiujuan membawanya ke pasar dan tidak pernah kembali. Dia melapor ke polisi bahwa dia telah mencari di Chongqing dan Fujian dan tidak ada kabar sama sekali. Dia berpikir bahwa dia tidak akan pernah menemukan putrinya lagi dalam hidup ini.

(pada usia) 8 bulan, masih dalam tahap awal perkembangan, bahkan (ingatan akan) penampilan ibunya sangat kabur. Dari masa perkembangan ingatannya (setelah masa bayi), Hu Xiujuan sudah tidak memiliki kesan tentang ibunya. Ibu angkatnya di Hebei telah meninggal lebih awal. Sejak dia mulai mengerti banyak hal, dia telah tinggal bersama ayah angkatnya, meskipun dia tidak mengerti apa artinya “diculik”, dia sangat ingin memiliki ibu sendiri.

Pencarian seorang ibu selama 30 tahun adalah waktu yang cukup lama, dan ceritanya sedikit berliku. Dengan bantuan media dan sukarelawan, dia akhirnya pulang. Dia dan ayahnya menangis bersama. Adegan ini berlangsung hampir 10 menit. Saudara tiri (laki-laki dan perempuan) Hu Xiujuan juga bersama mereka. Teman, saudara, dan wartawan media di tempat kejadian, semuanya menyaksikan saat bahagia ini bersama-sama.

Photo source here.

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