A “Tsunami” Hit Chinese Water Park: 44 People Were Injured

A "Tsunami" Hit Chinese Water Park: 44 People Were Injured

A Chinese water park has shut down its “tsunami pool” after the machine failure created a “real tsunami”, injuring many swimmers.

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In the summer, many people will decide to bring their children or friends to the water park. But when going to the water park, in addition to sunscreen, we also need to pay attention to safety.

A terrible thing happened in a water park in China recently. The waves in the wave pool caused a 「tsunami」 due to machine failure.

Originally, a large group of swimmers was playing on the water, waiting for the waves, but who would have thought that it was not ordinary waves, it was a huge wave! They couldn’t escape, and they were washed away by the waves and drowned. Many people were screaming. An amusement park had become a disaster. However, fortunately, the injury to the swimmers was not serious.

Some people thought this was because of 「setting errors」, but the park staff said it was because of a machine failure.

This water park is in Jilin Province. Also, the pool name of the park is called 「Tsunami Pool」. Who thinks there will be a 「tsunami」for real!

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Di musim panas, banyak orang akan memutuskan untuk membawa anak-anak atau teman-teman mereka ke taman air. Namun saat pergi ke taman air, selain tabir surya, kita juga perlu memperhatikan keamanan.

Suatu hal yang mengerikan terjadi di taman air di China baru-baru ini. Ombak di kolam ombak menyebabkan 「tsunami」 karena kegagalan mesin.

Awalnya, segerombol perenang sedang bermain di atas air, menunggu ombak, tetapi siapa yang menyangka yang datang bukanlah ombak biasa, melainkan ombak besar! Mereka tidak bisa kabur, dan mereka tersapu oleh ombak dan tenggelam. Tidak sedikit orang yang menjerit. Sebuah taman hiburan telah menjadi sebuah bencana. Namun, untungnya cedera para perenang itu tidak serius.

Beberapa orang mengira ini dikarenakan 「kesalahan pengaturan」, tetapi staf taman air mengatakan itu karena kegagalan mesin.

Taman air ini berada di Provinsi Jilin. Dan lagi, nama kolam taman disebut 「Kolam Tsunami」. Siapa yang menyangka akan ada “tsunami” sungguhan!


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